May Blog Challenge

Friday, March 8, 2013

Pet Peeves

Day 8 - Pet Peeves

This one is going to be a fun one for me. I don't know how better to do this than just making bullet points and explaining.  Here goes:

  • People who drag their feet when they walk.  I understand some people have medical issues and must drag their feet, but when I hear that sound I just want to get away from it as quickly as possible.  I was at the store yesterday and a man was dragging his feet, so I sped up to get away from it.  He sped up too.  The faster I went, the faster he went.  I was so happy to get out of that store. Usually I stop and let people pass me and go another direction, but I was in a hurry.
  • Speaking of store - people who take up the whole aisle in the store.  I can't stand when people park their basket in the middle of the aisle and block the whole thing.  This is why I try not to grocery shop during peak times.  And people who use the express lane when they clearly have more than 20 items (like basket full).  Even if I have 21 items I will go stand in a regular line.
  • Phone Etiquette: People who use there phones and talk loudly at the library.  People who text or answer calls at the movie theater.  If it's an emergency go outside.  People who talk or text while at the dinner table.  And, people who talk or text during a get together (like two friends having coffee).  
  • People who are rude to service people.  I have never waited tables, but I know that has to be a hard job.  Yes, sometimes we all get a bad server, but I always try to give them the benefit of the doubt (maybe they just started, or have some personal issues).  I guess it goes back to "treat others how you want to be treated"
  • Inconsiderate smokers - please don't smoke right next to the door or in non designated areas.  
  • Entitlement junkies - people who think they deserve things just because.  
  • In general - peoples lack of manners.  
Photographer Pet Peeve "Wow, your camera takes really good pictures."  I wrote a post about it here.

And I will end with this one - it just pertains to my dear sweet husband:
  • Husbands who put their clothes a foot away from the laundry hamper (we have 4 in the house).  Just exert the extra second and put the clothes in the hamper.  Agh!
I could go on and on about little pet peeves, but these are the highlights.  

If you want to read more pet peeves, join us over at Fabulous Finds by Tiffany.


  1. I can tell so much about a person by the way they treat people in the service industry. It speaks volumes. Also, people who stand in the middle of the aisle at the grocery store make me want to scream!

    1. I totally agree. I always smile and I try to ask how their day is going or how they are doing. They are people too.

  2. Goodness....I think I share every single one of them!

  3. Now you are going to have paying attention to peoples feet : / hahaha. I am with you on the blocking the aisle, I hate that too, I also hate the people who go into the 20 or less line. I always secretly wish the cashier would say "I'm sorry you have more than 20 items you need to go into the regular line" but it sadly never happens :(

    1. I know. I asked a cashier about that once and she said they can't really say anything to them. I did one cashier tell a gentleman that he clearly had more than 20 items and needed to use another lane. I high-fived her!

  4. People who are rude to service people irate me too. It's just so unnecessary and makes them look like a tool. That's a proper term. :)

    1. I like the use of your proper term. I agree it totally looks bad on them, and not just to the person they are being rude to.

  5. I agree. You can tell a lot about people in how they treat service people. My own mother embarrass me when we go to restaurants!

    1. We have a couple of family members that embarrass us as well. We call them out on it as much as possible. I wish it would help.

  6. Ugh, feet-dragging and smoking right next to the door are two that bug me.


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